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  • What services does your practice offer?
    This practice provides holistic coaching services for the purposes of vocational and avocational self-improvement. Put simply, this means helping clients with a wide range of professional and personal goals. These include changing habits, overcoming limiting beliefs, fears and discomforts, and enhancing skills. This practice does not diagnose, treat, or "cure" medical or psychological conditions. Presenting issues with possible medical or psychological etiology require a referral from a licensed healthcare provider. Referrals will be discussed during your initial consultation, when appropriate.
  • Is Dr. Rotolo a medical doctor or licensed mental health provider?
    Anthony Rotolo is an educator and coach, and the title of "Doctor" refers to his academic credentials. He holds a Ph.D. with expertise in psychology, learning, and motivation. Dr. Rotolo does not practice medicine or provide psychotherapy. Medical and mental health services are only provided by state-licensed practitioners. Coaching is not a licensed profession in New York State.
  • Do you accept health insurance?
    This practice does not participate in any insurance plans; however, the vast majority of insurance providers do not cover coaching services. This practice does not provide psychotherapy or mental health services. If you have HSA or FSA accounts, check with your program to determine if these funds can be used to pay for coaching services (in many cases, they do). A receipt will be provided. Because clients pay out of pocket, Dr. Rotolo has committed to keeping services affordable. Rates at this practice are comparable to other professional and self-care expenses like massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, spa and salon services.
  • What forms of payment does your practice accept?
    For your convenience, the following forms of electronic payment are accepted in the office and/or online: Credit Card Debit Card Apple Pay Venmo PayPal Google Pay Clients may pay for services in cash; however, as the office does not keep cash on hand, it may not be possible to make change. Personal Checks are accepted from established clients (addressed to "Anthony J. Rotolo, Ph.D.").
  • Will my records be kept private?
    Yes, all personal information collected by this practice is kept private and confidential according to HIPAA requirements. Release of records requires written consent from the client. Please note that while this practice takes all reasonable steps to maintain confidentiality of client information, including the use of secure electronic records and communication systems, the integrity of electronic systems and communication services (e.g., email and text messaging) cannot be guaranteed. In addition, client records are not privileged under state or federal law, and the service provider may be compelled by subpoena to provide or testify regarding this information.
  • Do you provide services for children and minors?
    Yes, Dr. Rotolo offers coaching for children and teens, As a former university professor and dean, Dr. Rotolo also offers expert college coaching for high school students. In addition, Dr. Rotolo maintains relationships with mental health counselors who specialize in treating children. Depending on your child's goals and presenting challenges, a consultation and/or referral may be required. Please note: Clients under the age of 18 require consent from a legal guardian to receive services. Parents/guardians will be provided with a permission form during the initial consultation. The parent/guardian is considered the primary client and is granted full access to manage their child's appointments, portal, etc.
  • What is hypnosis?
    Hypnosis is a mindfulness-based learning technique that can be helpful for overcoming personal and professional challenges. Sessions consist of guided relaxation and imagery visualizations that support you in learning and practicing new skills. Hypnosis is often misunderstood because of media and stage performances that present a fictional view of this practice for entertainment purposes. In reality, hypnosis is not a "trance" or unconscious experience, nor can a hypnotist control a person's thoughts or behaviors.
  • What if I don't want to be hypnotized?
    Hypnosis is just one of many coaching tools that Dr. Rotolo offers to assist clients in achieving their goals. It is certainly not required. Coaching programs are tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each client.
  • What if I can't be hypnotized?
    Everyone can benefit from hypnosis. The myth that only certain people can be "hypnotized" comes from a misunderstanding of hypnosis. Remember, hypnosis is not a kind of "trance" or altered state - except in movies and stage shows, which are just entertainment. Real hypnosis is a mindfulness skill that can be learned and used by anyone.
  • What is hypnosis like?
    Hypnosis is a very relaxing and enjoyable experience. In fact, many people include hypnosis in their self-care routines as a way to release stress and tension. The process involves learning how to relax your mind and body to reach the calm state we call hypnosis: this is not sleep, but actually a restful pre-sleep stage that has many benefits. You are always fully aware and in control of your thoughts and behaviors during hypnosis, and some people find that they have a greater sense of focus and clarity. After the session, most clients say they feel refreshed or energized.
  • What type of hypnosis do you practice?
    Dr. Rotolo was trained in Kappasinian hypnosis at the nationally accredited Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, California. Kappasinian hypnosis is named for its creator, Dr. John Kappas, who was one of the most successful hypnotherapists in the world. This method focuses on the practical application of hypnosis to everyday challenges, empowering clients to understand and participate in their own change process. The Kappasinian method is effective for all people and is capable of supporting powerful, positive, and lasting changes.
  • Is group hypnosis as effective as one-on-one hypnosis?
    Group hypnosis is just as effective as individual hypnosis. In fact, when relaxed into a state of hypnosis, most people forget about anyone else in the room! Group seminars include the same techniques as individual sessions. The main difference is time: seminars are offered for goals that can be achieved in a single session for many people, while individual clients may choose to book several sessions to work on one or more goals.
  • What if I don't "wake up" from hypnosis?
    We sometimes refer to "sleep" during hypnosis, but this is not really accurate. A person is always awake and aware throughout a hypnosis session. In fact, if you did fall asleep, the hypnotist would have to wake you up! Remember, hypnosis is a method of learning, and we cannot learn while we're sleeping. Hypnosis is very relaxing, however, and many clients would certainly like to enjoy the pleasant, restful feeling for longer than our sessions allow. Even so, you can easily open your eyes at anytime during the session.
  • Can my mind be controlled with hypnosis?
    Absolutely not. Hypnosis is not a form of mind control or "brainwashing." Contrary to what is depicted in movies and stage shows, a hypnotist cannot make a person do anything they don't want to do. In fact, hypnosis only works because the hypnotist is helping you to learn new, positive ideas that match your personal goals and values. "Hypnotists" who claim they can control minds or make people behave strangely are stage performers, like magicians. Their act is intended for entertainment, and it's usually scripted with "audience members" who are part of the show.
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